Saturday, May 30, 2009

off again

We are off to California/Texas in the morning, we will be in California until Wed. then fly out to Texas until Sunday. Rich is very excited to see his brothers and his sister (who has now gotten all moved to Texas) I am excited to meet the two brothers and their wives and kids, I have talked to them on the phone, but will be nice to say I have physically met my new in laws, and I have never been to Texas so that will be fun.
Took Staci on her first plane ride Thursday, we flew with Sienna to Denver to meet Stevie who is spending part of the summer in Colorado, she flew up from Cortez and met us then she and Sienna flew back to Cortez and Staci and I flew back here. Since the kids get to fly free on my benefit package thought it would be fun for Staci, since she is the only one of my kids who had not flown before.
We had some terrible turbulence going into Denver, really tossed the plane around, enough to make even me nervous, Staci did not know any better and I did not say anything so she would not be scared and Sienna just loves it, she laughs and acts like she is on a roller coaster, I think it calmed everyone down to hear her giggling so loud.
The kids are out of school now, but they will be staying here with their Dad while Rich and I are gone this time. Our plan now is to take them to Washington DC later this summer, I have always wanted to go there, Richard loves it there and I think it would be a fun and educational trip for them.


  1. I loved washington DC. Wish we could take the kids some day - but Shawn never has conferences there, for some reason, or if he does it is during school. There is so much to see and do. Hope all goes well with Stevie this summer.
