Thursday, February 26, 2009
Parent teacher conferences
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Home from the ER
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
no time for this
For those of you who do not know what it is, its a a chronic syndrome that causes wide spread joint and muscle pain, chest and abdominal pain, memory "fog", sleep disturbances, numbness of the extremities, headaches, jaw pain (because I grind or clench my teeth all the time), dizziness, problems regulating body temperature, in combination with my scoliosis and arthritis my pain level that is usually at about a 4 (totally manageable for me) to a absolute 10+ today.
It is my own fault I suppose I have felt it coming on full force for a few weeks now, but I thought I was doing all the right things to keep it at bay, guess not!
I was diagnosed with this a few years ago after about 4 years of testing from numerous doctors in three states, for all kinds of scary things, I finally found out what it was after I ended up in the ER because my boss at the time thought I was having a heart attack, I had been complaining of chest pain and he said maybe you are having a heart attack, I said I cannot be I am only....and I realized I had no idea how old I was, my memory was completely foggy. (I was 35 years old at the time). After many more tests I was sent to a Dr who had trained at the Mayo clinic and he helped me figure out what was wrong. The good news with this is it is a syndrome, it may get worse it may get better depending on the day but it is not disease, it is painful and interferes with my life at times but it will not kill me, so I always say it could be worse, I have a sister in law with awful rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes that continues to get worse, another one who has a brain tumor and had to have brain surgery in her 20's, another sister in law who had surgery for thyroid cancer last year, a cousin with a terrible kidney disease, all of those are worse medically speaking and my heart and prayers go out to each of them, I try to remember it could always be worse and be grateful it is not, I know this will pass and I will be able to function again at some point (though it needs to be TODAY as I have to go to work later!!!!), but it is hard to not feel useless and depressed when I can barely get out of bed unassisted, and nothing is helping.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Cheyenne's essay

Grandpa Who...
Grandpa who loved his family more than anything. He cared what was going on in our lives.
Grandpa who meant so much to me and my sister. Grandpa who looked so strong before. Who looked so fragile and frail when he couldn't even sit up.
Grandpa sleeps forever in peace and will never get sick again.
Grandpa who chased away the nightmares lurking under the bed. Who made me feel better when everything went wrong. Grandpa who smelled of aftershave and oil. Who spent so much time outside or in the garage working on some project or his car.
Grandpa who I could tell anything to. Who made Christmas or any other holiday a big deal.
Grandpa is waiting for his family but whispers in my ear to take our time. Who's tears are the rain that falls from the sky when we are sad, but when I am sad I remember that he would not want me to be.
Grandpa who's song has ended but who's melody will forever live on in our hearts and who we will someday be with again.
Cheyenne Jones 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Cool News
He and his wife Beth will be moving there in August and he will start school in September, so I am very excited to add that to my places to visit next year!
Term papers
Richard bless his heart is on leave so he took over all most everything while I holed up to study, he feed the kids, they all cleaned the house (except laundry that I prefer he not do!) went to the grocery store and checked in on me often to see if I needed coffee or snacks. All I had to do was go to work and try and make sure I spent at least some quality time with him and the kids. I felt a bit guilty so he did get a back massage as thanks, but then he did mine so I guess I still owe him!
Friday, February 13, 2009
My sweet husband
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Lifes Plan
We are busy now trying to figure out what not retiring will mean as far as what job he will be doing, he cannot/will not do recruiting anymore, so we are trying to get a straight answer as to if he can return to his previous MOS, also we are taking care of all the doctor appointments he has now, he got so behind on taking care of himself in Colorado when we were 5 hours from the nearest post hospital. Today he went for injections in his back and next week he is getting a machine that will deliver low grade shocks to his back, all this should help his herniated disk. He is temporarily assigned to the WTB unit, which basically means he has to many appointments to be in his regular unit, but we have been told he is close to being RTD (return to duty), I think he is getting anxious to be back in a normal unit.
Then there is the on going question of where we will be stationed, Richard thinks we will most likely be left here for the remainder of his time, but that could change, will he be deployed? Again that is possible, they just deployed from here in October and he did not have to go, but it is always possible he will go later. Where will we live when we get out? Our agreement was always that we would return to Colorado when we were done, but now we are discussing some other options just giving us somethings to think about.
Think that should answer every ones questions for now, as we know more we will update you all.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
We are finally oficialy married, took us awhile to get here, had a few bumps along the way but in the end it was well worth it. We held our ceremoney at the Main Post Chapel on Fort Riley, and plan to have our reception/party in August in Richards home town of Oregon.
My Mom, one of my sisters, one of my brothers and his wife were able to make it for this part, it was very nice to have them here.
We got some good news last night, my brother Kaleb and his wife had thier third baby, a boy, we do not know the name yet, so we are anxiously awaiting news on that, and pictures of course.