I have such a great yard full of trees, and have wanted to add bird feeders for some time now. When I looked at them at the store I just could not find anything I really loved for the price they wanted me to pay. Then one day I came across this cute bird tea cup and saucer, I bought it even though I really had no need for it. It sat on the counter for a couple weeks and one day I though I should make that into a bird feeder. A little gorilla glue and some imagination and I had a cute bird feeder.
After that I decided I should make some more, after all I have a lot of yard and trees and a lot of birds. Two more are from tea cups and saucers I found really cheap at local thrift stores and one is a plant pot turned upside down on a saucer. They were fun and easy to make, cost very little and so far the birds are loving them.
I love the Irish clover one, I am able to see it from my bay windows while I am having coffee in the mornings.
This one is in the front yard and had already attracted some very colorful birds, it will be great in the summer when I am out on the side deck that over looks this area.
I think I will make some more for gifts and perhaps a few more for the yard as I come across cute tea cups.