We had a wonderful Christmas this year, it started bright and early when the CATS woke me up by running over my bed, the kids were up and trying to be quiet in their rooms, I did find it funny that it was the cats not them who were so anxious to get me up. We did Christmas socks first thing, Jeremy has never had a Christmas sock and Daniel and Richard only started getting them when they became part of the family. Once we had socks done and were somewhat awake we moved to the living room for gifts.

A long time ago Sienna played with my Raggedy Ann and wore her out so this year Stevie and her family bought me a new one.

It did not take long at all for my living room to be full of paper and boxes, but everyone had a good time and that is part of the joys of Christmas, I have learned to not get so stressed about the mess.
I received lovely gifts as always. Mom sent me some books, a gorgeous poinsettia table runner that went perfect on my table to Christmas dinner, she also sent me two more pictures for my "ancestor" wall, this year one that is a copy of a painting my Great Grandpa did of his Dad, and also a picture of MeMaw (my Great Grandma Andelin) when she was about 2 or 3. My brother Ty had my name this year and send a wonderful set of wind chimes and some lovely scented candles (just what I asked for), Richard and the kids also got me some wind chimes, I love them, though as long as we are in Kansas I keep them inside right by a window so I can hear them in the spring when I can open windows but they do not get blown away and ruined in the awful Kansas wind storms, I also got a robe, slippers, bath stuff and perfume from them. Richard had intended to buy me a rocking chair I had also wanted but I asked him to wait since we had agreed to spend less on Christmas this year and use the saved money to take the kids to Disney land this Spring.
Stevie and her family always get me a 50 gift card from JC Penny so I can shop the after Christmas sales. The girls and I went shopping one day and so far I got a sweater 52.00 on sale for 7.97, a bracelet 260.00 on sale for 11.97, I love JC Penny clearance.
Later that afternoon we had some friends over for dinner, one of the Lieutenants who used to work with Richard was moved to a new Battalion and deployed, his wife is such a dear and we have stayed friends, we invited her and her daughter, she is pregnant and unable to travel home to see her own family so we were thrilled they came to spend the day with us. Also the lady who does the FRG with me, her husband and daughter came as well, they usually go home to Texas but were unable to go this year so it was fun to have them here as well. We had a great dinner, Sarah is from Utah so she knows how to make funeral potatoes and brought them, and some wine from the last batch they made. Maureen made green bean casserole, rolls, desserts, and drinks. We made a ham and a turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, so there was plenty of food, great company, and and all around feeling a peace and cheer as Christmas should be. Hope all of you Christmas's were wonderful as well.